Thomas and Nekoda Hanna - Homestead and Legends
Nekoda Altman and Thomas F. Hanna "The Old House" as our family has referred to it in recent memory refers to the home built by Thomas Franklin and Nekoda Laharp Altman Hanna down the dirt road now known as Arles Lane in Johnsonville, SC. Thomas was the son of Franklin Evander "Vander" Hanna and Julia Ann Grier. Nekoda was the daughter of Daniel Webster Altman and Margaret Elizabeth "Maggie" Stone. The Hanna farm was part of an original land grant to Hugh Hanna , great grandfather of Thomas Hanna and the first Hanna to settle in the Johnsonville area. Thomas and Nekoda's homestead The old house was Thomas and Nekoda's original homestead. Thomas carved his and Nekoda's initials into at least one of the timbers under the house to mark the original home. There was also a family rumor that some of the bricks used as the foundation for the house were used as ballast for ships arriving in America. Some time later, presumably as their family...