Hugh Hanna, First Hanna In Vox, SC
Hugh Hanna was the first known Hanna in the Lynches Lake and Vox region outside of Johnsonville, SC. He is the ancestor of most of the Hanna descendants in this area (excluding the families of Richard Hanna in the Hannah community.) Hugh Hanna (Sr.) was born circa 1759, possibly in Ireland or Scotland. A soldier in the American Revolution, he came south with General Nathanael Greene and joined General Francis Marion's Brigade where he was wounded in battle. The bullet extracted was preserved by descendants but its current location is not known. Hugh was a large land and slave owner and farmer on Lynches Lake. He erected the first water wheel for operation of a rice and grain mill. At the time of his death, Hugh owned the following known enslaved persons: Cupid, Young Scipo, Elvira, Peter, Venus, Dinah, Sam, Lizza, Crissa, Mercury, Juno, Young Mercury, Nellie, Young Juno, Young Sam. Others were unnamed in his 1842 will . 1790 Land ...