A Hanna Family Ghost Story
In the shadows of a sleepy branch gully outside of Johnsonville, where the echoes of history whisper through the ancien t trees an d across the rustling tobacco fields, the Hanna family's story has unfolded for generations. Thomas and Nekoda Hanna, descendants of the legendary Hugh Hanna who marched south with General Greene in the American Revolution, carved their existence into the land that echoed with the footsteps of Hanna forebears. Before that, the same land was heavily trod by native peoples who left thousands of arrowheads and other talismans of their presence. The Hannas toiled tirelessly to make a living on this land - the custodians of fertile soil exposed by clearcutting forestland by hand. Thomas and Nekoda's homestead near The Branch They build a small cabin-style home near a gully they called "the branch." Thomas carved his and Nekoda's initials into at least one support beam under the new home. One legend held that the bricks forming the found...